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Friday, December 3, 2010

Family life and physical contradiction

Baby is some months old. As every morning, Baby lies on his baby chair, in the bathroom, with Mum who is about to take her shower. Mum is on a hurry. Dad is executing his daily yoga practice in the guest room. But this morning, Baby is hungry sooner as usual, and begins to cry. It is necessary to prepare a milk feeding bottle, and give it to Baby.
Here's the problem :
* Mum has no time to prepare and give the feeding bottle to Baby (she would miss her meeting !)
* Dada does not want to interrupt his yoga practice right in the middle (what a selfish Dad !)
* Mum and Dad do not want that Baby cries (poor Baby !)

In the TRIZ meaning, we then face a physical contradictions' knot. How to solve it ?

Clue : think once again of a system resource (here a latent property of Baby)


  1. Can't the baby go prepare his milk bottle himself?

  2. This would be ideal (in the TRIZ meaning), but it is is obviously impossible : the Baby cannot crawl nor walk because of its very young age.

  3. Ma première idée est de donner un jouet au bébé pour lui changer les idées.
    Mais c'est une mauvaise idée, avoir faim et ne pas savoir dire "j'ai faim" est déjà pénible. Mais avoir des parent qui ne comprennent rien c'est insupportable. Alors il faut donner quelque chose d'interdit normalement pour que la curiosité l'emporte sur la faim... Pas forcément la bonne solution à long terme. Il ne reste plus qu'a marcher sur les mains pour que l'étonnement l'emporte sur la faim...

  4. Dear Serge,
    your idea that curiosity and/or astonishment can be greater than momentarily feel hungry is excellent !
    You have understood that it is not absolutely necessary to feed baby immediately : it is only necessary that the baby stops crying from hunger, momentarily.

    Your proposed solution is then to walk onto the hands in order to astonish Baby. It is an interesting solution, although it is not ideal in the TRIZ meaning, because Dad will then have to stop his yoga session (or his yoga session does not consist only of walking onto the hands)

    Which solution could be ideal ?
    Here the IFR (= Ideal Final Result) is that all the three needs are fulfilled

  5. Mon idée est de préparer la veille un thermos de lait pour le bébé puisque chaque matin c'est la même histoire: dès son réveil, alors que le père est en plein yoga, la mère peu donner à son bébé le lait déjà préparé, puis part sous la douche en ayant pris soin de remettre le bébé dans les bras du père pour une séance de yoga à deux.

  6. I translate Olivier's answer :
    My idea is to prepare a Thermos bottle containing milk prepared the day before, because it is the same story each morning : as soon as Baby wakes up, while Dad is doing yoga, Mum can give Baby his already prepared milk, and followingly take her shower, having cared that Baby has been formerly put in Dad's arm for a Dad-baby yoga session

  7. Dear Olivier, thank you for your proposal (which comprises a funny end). I appreciate your participation.
    I would like to clarify that :
    * this is not the same story every morning ; actually this is the first time that Baby is hungry so soon ; additionally we need a solution for now, not for tomorrow
    * even in the case we have anticipated the problem and prepared the milk the day before, the proposed solution is not ideal : the preparation time is now reduced to zero thanks to your solution, but the feeding time will do so that Mum will be late at work ; conclusively your solution is not ideal because even if it is ideal for Baby and Dad, it is not for Mum.
    We need a solution which is ideal for all three (Baby, Dad and Mum) at the same time. This is the challenge !
