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Friday, February 18, 2011

Eliminating a physical contradiction : "red eyes" continued

Let's continue with the red eyes' problem.

The physical contradiction that we obtained is (with a slight re-formulation which expresses better the reality) :
PC : The pupils are dilated because of the relative darkness, and the pupils should be non dilated in order to avoid the red eyes' phenomenon

There are canonical heuristics for the resolution of physical contradictions. As mentioned in "Engineering of creativity" (Savransky, 2000), Altshuller developed 11 such heuristics. Some TRIZniks extended this earlier set of heuristics. Among these one finds 4 separations methods which help eliminating physical contradictions, and two of them are very often used :
* separation in space : one part of the subsystem has property A and the other part has property non-A
* separation in time : the subsystem has property A during one period and afterwards it has property non-A

In our problem :
* subsystem = pupils
* property = dilation
* system (minimal) = eyes (including pupils) ; photo camera (including flash)
* harmful effect = red eyes' phenomenon

Is it possible to separate the dilated / non dilated states of the pupils ? Yes.
How ? In time.

Actually the relative darkness is underwent : it is part of the environment. But it is possible to induce when one wants the contraction of the pupils with a given resource of the system : the flash of the camera. Finally, in a chronological sequence :
* the pupils are originally dilated because of the relative darkness
* the photographer pushes the button, and a first flash occurs
* consequently, in a short time frame, the pupils contract
* automatically, after a pre-set short time period, a second flash occurs during the taking of the photograph
* consequently, the pupils contract (but this is not used ...)
* the pupils go back to their original state : dilated because of the relative darkness

The initial problem has been solved, and an additional positive effect may occur : the first flash desensitizes (partly in terms of probability) the propency of eyes to blink under a flash ; in other words, if the eyes are sensitive to the flash, they will blink during the first flash.

Note that we face now another problem created by this solution, that we may express as a pair of technical contradictions :
* TC1 : If one uses the double flash, one avoids the red eyes' phenomenon, but the photography is taken with some delay after the button pressing
* TC2 : If one does not use the double flash, the photography is taken when the button is pressed (**), but the red eyes' phenomenon is not avoided
(** : almost, indeed)

How to solve this newly induced problem ? This new problem is open.

Note also that in some conditions, professional photographers orient the flash towards the ceiling, so that :
* the eyes blink with a much decreased probability
* the red eyes' phenomenon does not occur
* additionally the photograph is of high quality, for the bodies' skins are not whitened by the flash

Is it possible to solve the newly appeared problem, in any darkness conditions, and for any amateur photographer ?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

To choose well a physical contradiction

Following the former article about the definitions of different types of contradictions, it is proposed to further study the red eyes' problem.
As already said, the physical contradiction proposed for this problem was not well chosen. Why ? Because :
* it does not bring something new with regard to the pair of technical contradictions : it is a plain re-formulation of the TCs
* it does not go into the physical mechanisms responsible for the problem

For the sake of simplification, let us say that the red eyes' appearance on a photograph is caused by dilated pupils. Dilated pupils are caused by the relative darkness, which in turn necessitates the use of a flash.

Consequently, another physical contradiction can be expressed :
PC : The pupils must be dilated because there is a relative darkness, and the pupils must be non dilated to avoid the red eyes' phenomenon

Now the physical contradiction is rightly chosen. Actually it expresses opposite states (dilated / non dilated) of a part of the system (pupils) which is at the root cause of the initial problem.

In a coming article, it will be shown how to ultimately solve this physical contradiction

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Definition of a physical contradiction

The concept of contradiction is key in TRIZ, and one major contribution of the method.

There are 3 different types of contradiction which always come in the following order : administrative contradiction, technical contradiction and physical contradiction.

Now let us imagine the following : it is wished to transform an undesired situation into a desired one. The gap existing between both situations is the problem to be solved. If it is not known how to solve it, one faces an inventive situation. Let us consider the problem of the red eyes when a photography is taken in the direction of the eyes with a flash. This problem is already (almost) solved in modern cameras, but let us use it for illustration.
Then one defines :

* Inventive situation : it is necessary to take a photograph with a flash & without red eyes

* Administrative contradiction : it is necessary to take a photograph with a flash & without red eyes, but how to make it is not known

* Technical contradiction (which has two opposite formulations TC1 and TC2)
    * TC1 : if one does not use a flash, there is no red eyes' phenomenon, but the photograph is dark
    * TC2 : if one uses a flash, the photograph is bright, but the red eyes' phenomenon appears

* Physical contradiction (PC) : one needs a flash to get a bright photograph, and one does not need a flash to avoid the red eyes' phenomenon

The former definition is here only to show you the structure of a PC, but the former PC is chosen badly. It will be shown in a next article how to chose a right physical contradiction, which is helpful for the solving of the problem.

Remarks :
* for a given problem, there may be different possible pairs of TC and different possible PC
* the pair of TC draws a compromise
* it is not always possible to define a pair of TC and an associated PC ; if it is possible, then the formerly defined pathway towards the PC can lead to a powerful solution, without compromise ; it will be explained in a future article how to solve a PC

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Invitation to solve proposed problems / to propose problems

Hi !
It is also a purpose of this blog to make visitors thinking together.
So do not be afraid or shy and please propose your personal solutions, your thoughts, your ideas, your commentaries concerning the proposed problems.

Why ? Because :
* the thinking process of everybody is interesting (for oneself, for others), for we have all our own, unique way of thinking
* you may find the control solution, alternative solutions, among which may come better solutions than the control solution !
* according to my own experience, one learns much better to become a problem solver when one tries hard to solve problems and maybe even more when one "fails"
* making errors, "failing" is absolutely no problem : it is part of our human kind ; here this will not be judged (except for congratulations)
* it can be fun !

Additionally I open the possibility to anyone to submit open problems / challenges that may be of public interest. If you want to do this, drop me a line (

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The meaning of re-solving or re-inventing with the help of TRIZ

Until today :
a) two messages (Baby's crying ; Black hornets) propose to re-solve problems which have already been solved by others
b) one message (Dolphin's sleep) proposes to re-invent (assuming one may use this verb, but this discussion is absolutely not the scope of this blog) an "innovation" of Mother Nature
c) one message (Wine trade show) proposes directly a solution to a real life problem

What is the meaning of such proposals, in the TRIZ frame ?
* they describe problems for which an inventive solution exists ; this point is extremely important because it is out of question to call TRIZ for problems with obvious solutions (this trend is unfortunately widespread in some books and on Internet, and is prejudicial to the TRIZ credibility)
* these problems and their solutions are understandable by everybody, not only specialized engineers ; therefore they are a good illustration field for the introduction of TRIZ fundaments to anyone
* even if the huge majority of problems (and inventions) are solved (created) without the help of TRIZ (see examples a) and c) above) - to solve and to invent are parts of the genius of the human kind, from the mere citizen to the great inventor - they might often have been solved with the help of TRIZ, and this approach can show how problems can be easier to solve than they apparently are
* to try hard to solve such problems constitutes a necessary training for the development of the TRIZ way of thinking

Monday, February 7, 2011

Page of advertising : invitation to online TRIZ training

I have been interested by TRIZ since 2004. I tried to learn TRIZ from books but it was insufficient to apply TRIZ to real technological problems nor to innovate. Furthermore it was frustrating to see the very high prices that were to pay individually to attend a TRIZ course of some days or one week. Finally I found an online TRIZ course : that of IID, the Institute of Innovative Design (

That was the most interesting learning experience of my life.  I was taught by Yuri Salamatov (TRIZ master, famous TRIZ researcher, books author, who learned himself from Altshuller) a new way of thinking. It motivated me so much, that I decided to follow his example, and to launch my own TRIZ business.

I highly recommend the IID online TRIZ course. It can be a great experience for you too. I think that this is the best available online TRIZ course in the world. Furthermore Dr Yuri Salamatov is a brilliant teacher who will ask your best and will grow up your way of thinking.

If you are interested by the IID online TRIZ course, drop me a line ( or send an e-mail directly to IID (

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Meaning and purpose of TRIZ

TRIZ is a method which was created and developed between 1946 and the middle 1980s in the former USSR by Genrikh Altshuller (see picture below) and co-workers. After Althuller's death in 1998, the TRIZ research was not any more under his authority and many TRIZ people went their own way, and developed further the method.

TRIZ is a romanized Russian acronym meaning "theory of inventive problem solving".
It operates originally in the so-called technosphere (= all technological fields developed by the human kind).
Within this frame TRIZ can help engineers to solve tough problems and to invent. Note that there is a strong relationship between both : if one want to solve tough problems, one must often be inventive, and if one wants to invent, one must often solve a least one tough problem.

In this blog, among other topics, we will introduce step by step different aspects and tools of TRIZ. 

How to turn a(n) (apparent) drawback into an advantage

A friend of mine, who is mother of two kids, had a real life problem to solve.
She is in the process of launching an Internet wine business. A few months ago, she learned two days in advance that there was a wine trade show taking place in Brussels. What a great opportunity to meet a lot of prospects concentrated at the same place !
Unfortunately, for a number of reasons (her husband had an important meeting with customers; usual babysitters and grandmother were all unavailable; she did not want to let her baby to an unknown babysitter), she had to look after her baby on the day of the trade show.
She faced the following (apparently) unsolvable problem
* either to keep her baby at home and skip this opportunity
* or to go to the trade show with her baby and only take some business cards (in order to re-contact wine traders later), and in this case the opportunity would be missed too, because it is not professional to take contact with prospects with a baby

Finally she decided to go to the wine trade show with her baby. It turned out very naturally to be no problem for the wine traders to be prospected by a mum with a baby. On the contrary, the mum globally received a very positive feedback during the trade show, and above all, when the prospects were later re-contacted by her, they remembered her very well !

Finally, what was originally considered as an absolute drawback turned out to be a strong marketing advantage.

TRIZ tribute to recent innovations ?

Some friends have asked me a direct, practical question : which recent innovations have been developed with the help of the TRIZ method ? It is an important question which needs to be answered.
I have already collected a series of public examples over time. I will organize these data and publish them on this blog in the near future.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Problems' solutions

Once a right, control solution will be given, it will be acknowledged as soon as possible.
Creative, alternative solutions will also be acknowledged.
Explanations of solutions with the help of TRIZ instruments / methods will be much appreciated.

Otherwise, control solutions will be given after having received a sufficient number of trials.

Good luck, and good night !

Ethnic problem solving

One chinese ethnic group living in the Yunnan area (southwestern China) is very fond of black hornet larvae : they actually love to eat them, for they are fat and tasty.
There are two men from this ethnic group, sitting in a village garden, and suddenly wanting to eat these famous  larvae. They have first to localize a hornet nest in the wild forest. Afterwards one of them will put fire onto the nest, the dangerous black hornets (their bite may be lethal) will fly away and the two men will finally take the nest full of wonderful larvae.

It is out of question to search a hornet nest only by luck.
But how to localize with 100% probability a hornet nest ?
Which strategy is it necessary to invent and to apply ?

Here are some useful (and necessary) tips :
* in each garden of this village, there are banana trees
* black hornets like to suck the nectar of banana flowers
* black hornets like very much eating local grasshopers
* after a while, the black hornet flies back to its nest (obviously !)

Helped with the former tips, it seems easy to attract a black hornet without danger. Please concretize this first part of the strategy.

Once the black hornet has been attracted to some place, without danger, how to make so that the black hornet leads you to its nest ? What is the witty, smart solution found by the people of this ethnic group ? Note that it is impossible to follow a flying hornet by foot in the wild forest, because :
* it is difficult to follow with the eyes
* anyway it is much too quick

Tip :  the wild forest in these areas is not dense